Greeting Cards
Coffee Mugs
Framed Prints
Animals and Birds
Art Cards
Fall Foliage Images
Flowers and Butterflies
Maple Sugaring
Vermont Covered Bridges
Vermont Cities and Towns
New Hampshire
Lakes Region
Sunapee Area
White Mountains
Mt. Chocorua Region
Monadnock Region
New Hampshire Covered Bridges
New Hampshire Cities and Towns
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Order Form

Greeting Cards

Hanson Studio Greeting Cards are created from 4x6 inch photographs mounted on 5x7 inch greeting card stock with a decorative embossed edge or a colored matte.  Each card has a blank insert and envelope packaged in a clear plastic display sleeve.
The card on the left is assembled on White Emossed Card Stock, the card on the right is white card stock with a colored matte.

The retail unit price is $3.95.  Orders are accepted by mail.  Shipping and handling is included in the retail price of the cards.

Click on any of the categories on the left to see the photographs that can be put on greeting cards.

To order greeting cards click on "order form" and print the form. Write the Photo Number and Name on the order form and put "Greeting Card" in the "size column".  Indicate the quantity of each photo greeting card you would like. Calculate the total and send the order form with a check or money order to:

Hanson Studio
276 Pepere's Rd.
Charlestown, NH 03603
Phone/Fax: 603-826-5185

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